Search Supercool Props
C/L and F/F props are now made by Ian Thompson. Contact Ian via to place your orders..

Now available, a Monograph on "Critical Mach number", airfoil design with application to propellers.. only $AUD50 post paid anywhere
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Plans for Anna Domini F2B now available
for the Anna Domini F2B stunter are again available. Span 60",
length 51", suits 40 to 60. Not just a rehash of the Nobler,
this large stunter has all the character of a Mack Truck, squatting
low on 3" wheels and grumbling around the sky with a nice 45,
nothing quite like it! Price $30, shipping extra. See photos attached.
Anna1 Anna2
Anna3 Anna4
Timer Restoration
One for all you fossilising F/F guys. Are your KSB, Tatone and
Seelig clockwork timers as stiff as your knees? Won't work reliably?
Models Gone with the Wind? Let the Prop Doctor clean and oil them
for you, with his proven patent pending process. Results not guaranteed.
Price $40 for the first timer, and $20 for additional timers in
the one order plus $6 for postage.
Try the new new new Supercool 8X3.5, 8X4, 9.5X4, 6.2X3.6, 7X4, 7X3.5
and 7X2.8 carbon/glass props, as used by Supercool himself
and not advertised on TV! PIC
Bellcranks 25mm (2") glass/nylon, ideal for F2D and small C/L models.
Very strong, light. Price AUD1.50 each or AUD50 per order of 50
units. Pic1 Pic2
Pic3 Bellcranks
at the Minatogawa shrine, Japan.
CNC-milled aluminium propeller moulds.
Contours accurate to 15 microns. NACA 4-digit airfoils:camber, t/c,
chord and blade angle to your specification or leave it to Supercool
to optimise for Mach and Reynolds numbers (Suzuki/supercritical
airfoil sections now available).
Our design bureau has 16 years experience with pylon racing propellers.
In-house CAD/CAM software developed specifically for propeller
manufacture on our Bridgeport Interact CNC mill; matched to our
exclusive aerodynamic design algorithms. Prop
Moulds |
Sidethrust Wedges.
These glass/nylon wedges allow you to offset the thrustline
on your profile stunter to give more line tension. Angles of 2.5
and 5 degrees are available. With enough sidethrust, your model
will never fall in on the lines. Only $3 per pair. Wedge |
of Sale
No stocks are held,
props are made to order
All orders must
be pre-paid
Custom CNC moulding
available, ask for quote
Vortex theory computer
blade element analysis of existing prop designs available
Minimum induced
loss computer design available, now featuring inverse blade
element analysis, spinner/cowling inflow velocity correction.
Prices do not include
postage and packing
Payment in advance
by Paypal.
We may be expensive
but we're slow !
F3D and Giant Scale
propellers a speciality.
Allow for lead
times , we are always booked out
Custom pusher props
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