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26th December 10
Fluid Dynamics Part 7: The maths of 2-dimensional line source flow.

24th December 10
Compressibilty: Selectionof propeller airfoil section
(Prandtl-Glauert rule)

11th May 09
F/F: Longitudinal Stability

2nd May 09
Dixielander Trim

23rd April 09
Closed-Shell Moulding of Composite Propeller


ERRATUM SHEET..Propeller Dynamics Vol. 1

-Page 1: change 61 2 2472481 to 61 8 92472481

-Page 4: Drzewieki is pronounced Je-vee-yet'ski

-Page 5, mid-page. change "came of the tracks" to "came off the tracks"

-Page 9, facing page of photographs: Wright "Flyer" may not be a replica. Cf. "Kill Devil Hill", p360, H.B.Combs and M.Caidin, ISBN 436105632.

-Page 23, para 5, commencing “This is false”. The line “The lift does not drop suddenly..” should read “The lift coefficient does not drop suddenly..”. Thanks to Jack Norris for this correction.

-Page 28: change " M = a / V " to " M = V change " M2 = a2 / V2 " to " M2 = V2 / a2"

-Page 30: Further reading, 1st item is "Theory of Wing Sections"

-Page 37, opposite page. Diagram heading should be "Plot of profile efficiency Vs blade angle"

-Page 41, para. 5 commencing "When the brakes are released...". This argument is wrong. ALL the engine power goes into the slipstream. However, at cruise, perhaps only 75% of this power produces thrust, the remainder being lost.

-Page 43, para 6, commencing “Consider these..”. The term “tip speed” refers not to the rotational component of the propeller speed, but to the “helical” speed, being the vector sum of the rotational speed and the forward speed of the aircraft. It thus represents the speed of the airflow over the tip airfoil.

-Page 45, para. 2 commencing “Whilst on the subject..”. The P&W R-4360 mayhave been the largest production piston aero-engine, but it was not the largest. The Lycoming XR-7755 and Studebaker 10000 cu. in. H24 were larger. There may be have been larger Russian engines as well (Thanks to Graham White for this info).

-Page 45, para. 3 commencing “Unfortunately..”. After the oil seal failed, The prop went into FINE pitch, not reverse pitch. The original accident report has only recently been declassified, permitting correction of this error (which is also present in Maguglin’s 1984 book). Thanks to Graham White who was given the rather exciting task of de-classifying this report!