Click to enlarge
In two previous episodes devoted to this brand of model engine,
I mentioned briefly the problems and handicaps that the Enya
family would have faced in the 10 or so years following WW
2. Trying to achieve anything worthwhile in the aftermath
of a catastrophic defeat would have been difficult enough,
let alone choosing to produce an item which most people back
then (and more than a few now ! ) would have regarded as a
frivolous, unnecessary, luxury toy. As previously mentioned
too, the very words 'Made in Japan' were associated with cheap,
low quality consumer goods for more then a decade after war's
end, so the Enyas' decision to make model engines was a brave
one indeed, if not (as they were no doubt told) downright
From these humble beginnings however, the company worked
hard and incredibly, by 1969 the Enya Metal Products Ltd.
of Tokyo Japan were producing a bigger range of model engines
than any other manufacturer in the world ® around 50 in fact,
including marine and R/C versions, and exporting them to many
countries. Japanese industry in general had demonstrated to
the world just how to crawl from the ashes of defeat to become
a force to be reckoned with. Gone now, were those cheap pressed
tin toys that flooded onto Woolworths counters in the early
Fifties, created out of desperation.
The Enya 19 holds a special place in the history of the company,
because it was a 19 size Enya that first came off the assembly
line (table) way back in February 1950 as a production engine.
That very first 19 had a red head & prop. drive and with
a detachable front bearing housing, it laid the foundation
for the millions of other Enya's that were to follow. What
makes the 19 Mk. I unique though, is that the housing was
held on by only 3 screws ® 2 at the top and 1 centrally underneath,
and with a quaint looking little flat topped venturi, it had
an unusual appearance. Production numbers are unknown, but
considering it was their first effort, and the fact that they
are so rarely seen now, I would hazard a guess that well under
a thousand would have been produced before production began
on the Model 4002, with oval exhaust port but 4 bolt front
this time, and die instead of sand cast ( like the little
09 this model 19 had an optional factory, cast alloy radial
mount with 4 lugs ). Whilst the 3 bolt front 19 is certainly
hard to find, there is yet another even rarer ENYA and that
is the 1949 ' Type 2' Typhoon 63, which looks unlike any other
ENYA engine.
This big twin ball race motor had rear rotary disc induction,
and both front and back housings were detachable but production
numbers were very low due to almost non-existent sales ( 20
or 30 per month ), and it really doesn't qualify as a production
engine. The influence of the American McCoy 60 can clearly
be seen in this ENYA, however this ambitious design was soon
abandoned in favour of the simpler and cheaper to produce
FRV plain bearing ' Type 1' 63 which went on for another 15
years as the familiar 6 bolt front Typhoon 60. The only example
of a ' Type 2 ' 63 that I have ever seen bore the Serial #
V2 191, so assuming that V2 denotes the 2nd Model 63, that
means that at least 191 were produced if they started at zero.
Once designer Saburo Enya had settled on his basic engine
design formula, it wasn't long before new sizes began to appear,
and about 12 months after the 09 was released in early 1954,
the first 2.5 cc Enya engine made it's debut. The new Enya
15 glow was an extremely well made and good looking die ®
cast unit, and during 1956 it received some improvements to
further enhance its performance. These included an increase
in compression ratio, reduction of bearing length by 2mm and
other minor changes, all aimed at increasing the power output
to improve its chances in the then very competitive 2.5cc
' International' class. On test, the power output of the 15-IB
was found to be comparable with the best in its category,
and pricewise it undercut its OS rival (It must have irked
the whole Enya staff at this time to see the opposition's
admittedly excellent OS Max I 15 win the 1956 F/F World Power
Championship thanks to Ron Draper, but OS had a 15 year start
on Enya). This revised model was designated initially as the
15 ® IS but later the 15 ® IB, and it entered production in
January 1957 with nickel plated Phillips screws used throughout,
in place of the previous slotted or 'cheese head' screws.
A major distinguishing feature of these two early 15 glows
was the bypass bulge on the side of the crankcase, to cater
for the initial transfer of fuel/air mix outside the liner,
then entering via the usual cyl. slot.
All future 15 glows ( from the II onwards ) would adopt the
same method as the later O9's ie. machined flutes within the
actual liner itself, a successful way that Saburo Enya found
to not only lower the production costs, but maintain quality
without sacrificing performance, the resulting very thick
cyl. liner also enhancing reliability. With the introduction
of their 15 size engine, the Enya company at that point in
time could offer modellers a choice of 6 different capacity
size engines, which were the 09, 15, 19, 29, 36 and 63 ® the
latter being the only one now with castings which were still
produced from sand moulds, and the largest Enya remained that
way for another decade, until 1965 in fact. These big 60's
were all serial numbered on the RH lug (except maybe for the
very last ones), the numbers seeming to peter out before 12,000
so I will let you, Dear Reader, draw your own conclusions
on that and the only real difference between a 63 and a 60
is the half millimetre difference in the bore size. Enya offered
a full 12 month guarantee with that early 60 which was unusually
generous, but it was so ruggedly built that a good sized sledgehammer
and cold chisel would be needed to damage it. If intending
to use one of these big Enya's, it's a good idea to check
the underside alignment of the 2 mounting lugs ( sand castings
not being particularly accurate ) and try to keep the revs
down with a big coarse pitched prop. 'Typhoon' seemed to be
a name favoured by the Enya brothers for their earlier model
sand cast engines, including the 10cc and 5cc sizes, the latter
going on to become the Enya 29-IIIB ' Super Typhoon ' in the
late Fifties, a B class T/R all time classic.
All the Enya's from this period shared a common styling feature,
which was a rather long venturi, set at a low angle ® sort
of stone age ' Ram Air ', and it was about this time also
that the company changed the oddball size 36 ( OS also produced
a 36 for the US market ) to a 35 and the 63 to a 60, to conform
with the capacity sizes we are still familiar with today.
Another small design quirk that involved the 09 was the side
on which the exhaust was situated, starting off with the R.H.
side on the first 09, switching to the L.H. side for about
15 years through the II & III Models, before reverting
back to the R.H. side for the final series IV ! Why ? Who
knows .Up until 1961, all models in the ENYA range ( except
the 60 ) had 4 bolt heads.
A brief word about Enya's sometimes inconsistent ( some would
say downright confusing ) model numbering system might not
go astray at this point. Actually, the only engine in the
Enya range which comes close to following a logical sequence
is the 19, starting off at 4002 and continuing through to
4006, increasing by one final digit at a time, every model
change. Now it gets confusing ® the first 09 was called a
3001, but then the 15 size took over the 3 - - - designation,
becoming a 3101 in the 15- 1B, then a 3303 in the 15- III
and 3304 in the IV. Likewise, the 35 started off as a 5001,
became a 6001 in 1961, a 5224 in 1964 and a 5225 in the last
V series. The 29 was even worse, starting as a 5002 with the
airfoil exhaust, going to a 5103 in the III series, became
a 5224 in 1964 with the 35, ending up too a 5225 ! The 40
size was only ever a 6002 but the 45 started as a 6001, then
got promoted to 6002 in the II series. The 60 II was dubbed
a 7032 in 1965, ending up a 7033 in the III & III B. Now,
is that clear to everyone ?
Peter Chinn and Ron Warring were starting to sound repetitive
now in their almost totally unreserved praise for these ever
increasing numbers of high quality engines which were emanating
from Japan, and to be fair, not just from the Enya factory
either ! New standards were being set with almost every new
model and it was plain to see that Japanese engines were,
even then, equal to the world's best. The designers from Nippon
were now ' on a roll ', not content merely to copy or adapt
other peoples ideas, but experiment with those of their own,
and in 1956 ( along with 3 other new models in the range )
Saburo Enya introduced his first ever diesel ® the 15D Mk.
I , distinguished by its vertical venturi joined to the front
of the cylinder.
The 15D was a very ambitious project, being the first Enya
to employ ( single rear ) ball races and, refusing to follow
nearly all the other diesel designs of the day, the designer
had opted for the unusual choice of loop scavenging, which
meant opposed transfer and exhaust ports coupled with fore
and aft transfer passages ( actually, it was a single passage
in the casting but divided in 2 by the contact of liner against
casting ). Although some people thought erroneously this was
Schnuerle porting, it was even so, quite innovative for the
time, and endowed the 15D with a performance which was second
only to the Oliver Tiger Mk. III. Not bad for a first attempt
! Indicative of just how different this diesel was to its
glow stablemate, was the fact that the only common part shared
was the needle valve assembly, and in the 15D provision was
made to fit 2 NVA's ( one high / one low speed ) for use with
those early steam powered radio control systems. There were
actually about 3 variants of the Mk. I and therein lies a
tale ® Peter Chinn confessed at a later date that when he
was testing the 15D for an American model publication, he
had struggled to find something to complain about, on the
theory that no engine is so good that it is beyond criticism.
In Peter's words ® 'eventually, but without much conviction,
we decided that the 5mm. threaded shaft end was a possible
weak point on an otherwise robust engineÄ..When the Enya company
heard about this, they took it seriouslyÄ..Within a few weeks
a new type of shaft, in 85 ton chromium molybdenum steel and
with a 6mm. end had been put into production. This shaft has
been fitted to all production models since the end of last
year ( 1957 ) and the current model now incorporates one or
two other minor changes.These include a superior type of ball
bearing, a con-rod bronze bushed at both ends ( instead of
the big-end only ) and slightly enlarged gudgeon-pin bosses
in the piston.' How ironic then, that the 15D is remembered
today mainly for breaking crankshafts ! Taking the above information
into consideration, we can now only assume that these shaft
failures were the result of either competition modellers simply
trying to extract too much extra power and / or ( as a noted
US speed flyer commented to me when discussing similar shaft
failures on his Enya 29 racing Special ) ' too many square
corners ', meaning the shaft was lacking fillets in high stress
areas. Whatever the problem was, Duke Fox faced exactly the
same thing a few years later when combat flyers started complaining
about breakages in his otherwise excellent 35 X engine. Peter
Chinn stated frankly that despite a couple of material changes,
the Mk. I 15D was never entirely free of shaft fracture through
the main journal, and proffered the opinion that the fault
( conversely to what one might think ) may have been due to
the very rigidity of the piston & rod assembly, transmitting
too much stress to the journal.
Aware of this problem, Saburo Enya was determined to eliminate
it in the 15D Mk. II and it appeared in about 1960 sporting
an enormous 11.5 mm. diam. crankshaft and a chrome plated
bore which was another bold innovation for that period of
time. Power was increased to around 0.332 bhp @ 15,500 rpm
which really gave the Oliver Tigers a fright, but unfortunately
the overkill solution to the shaft problems meant the weight
had now ballooned to over 6 oz. ( remember, the very powerful
29-III weighed only something like half an oz. heavier ! )
so despite the fact that the Enya was very easy to handle
for a world class racing diesel, the Tiger III continued to
reign supreme. The fact that the Enya used more fuel ( and
needed an exhaust prime to re ® start ) was the final nail
in the coffin of Saburo's attempts to beat the Oliver's at
their own game, the ultimate irony being of course, that the
very advanced type of porting which gave the Enya parity with
the Oliver in 'A' T/R became, in the finish, its Archilles
heel. Keep in mind though, that the Enya was very much a mass
produced engine trying to compete with a meticulously hand
made ( and tuned ) one of unsurpassed quality. The Enya 15D
Mk. II was, nonetheless, a great sport engine being also available
with a simple R/C throttle and it remained the last diesel
produced by the company for 40 years ( excluding of course,
the little 06 ) until in 2004, Enya released a new 15 diesel
based on the Schnuerle ported SS and featuring modern ABC
technology with alloy piston. ENYA now also list a 25 size
diesel, presumably also based on the glow SS. Returning to
the 15 glow now, and in 1960 the company introduced the lovely
little 15-II which as usual was an entirely fresh design,
incorporating the internal transfer flutes mentioned earlier,
and made in either the usual Enya matt finish or, for the
first time, shiny polished alloy die castings. It was in this
latter guise that your humble scribe purchased one from the
local newsagency ( American translation ® bookstore ) as back
in those days, in small town rural Australia, very few model
or hobby shops existed and the outlet for model engines varied
from town to town, depending which business had been convinced
by the travelling salesman to stock extra income items. I
hold very fond memories of that 15-II ; OK, it wasn't quite
as powerful as some other engines from that period, but like
all Enya's it was beautifully made ( have I mentioned yet
that I like Enya's ? ), very user friendly and reliable as
the day is long. Only recently, I was lucky enough to pick
up a new, un-run 15-II with the shiny case from Germany (
Thanks Rudolf ! ) and it is one of my most treasured Enya's.
It is, in my opinion at least, the definitive Enya 15, and
a just plain NICER little engine never existed. Interesting
to note that the 2 best countries outside Australia to look
for old Enya's is the USA and Germany, thanks to M.R.C. and
Robbe, and to a lesser extent Ripmax in the UK. The very dynamic
and ' hands on ' approach by the then OS agent in Australia,
Tony Farnan, ensured that the OS brand stole a march on Enya
back in the late 1950's and they took a while to catch up,
helped (hindered?) by some indifferent marketing & spares
back-up by the equivalent Aussie Enya distributors.
In September 1966, Enya released ( yet again ) a similar,
but basically all new 2.5cc glow designated as the 15-III
Model 3303, the most visual change being, instead of the previous
cast, bell mouth venturi with metal insert, we now had provision
for 2 different size turned alloy inserts, but by this point
in time a couple of major changes had occurred. Enya had given
up trying to compete with other manufacturers who were producing
specialised 15's with a very high performance for expert modellers,
contenting themselves instead with providing a reliable, long
lasting and versatile engine to the average modeller on a
budget. The reason for this of course, was the great upsurge
in popularity of R/C flying due to ever increasing reliability,
coupled with ever decreasing cost of radio gear, and control
line flying was in severe decline.
The new 15-III (in typical Enya fashion) shared no major
parts whatsoever with the previous model ® the crankshaft
had increased in diam. by 0.5 mm. over the II (also with a
larger gas passage), and although the stroke remained the
same, a new con-rod with a smaller big end O.D. was fitted,
as the crankcase was now of a smaller diam. to improve induction
and charge transfer through the very thick ( 2.75mm.) cyl.
liner. This reduction in case diam. gave a smaller volume
primary compression chamber and allowed the 15-III to fit
between narrower bearer spacing than the 15-II. Cylinder port
timing was quite conservative (due to reasons mentioned above)
® the exhaust opening at 63 deg. before B.D.C. & remaining
open for 126 deg. of crank angle, while the bypass port opens
8 deg. later for a bypass period of 110 deg. What really
impressed Peter Chinn though in his test on the R/C version
was the very low, steady & reliable idle ® 2,000 rpm on
a 10 x 4 prop. which earned the 15-III the distinction of
having 'one of the best throttles ever encountered on an engine
of this size.' This new Enya must have impressed other people
too, because in the 1970's an almost exact copy of the 15-III
appeared, named Thunder Tiger 15 which was made on the island
of Taiwan. This Nationalist Chinese clone was (naturally!)
not quite as well made as the Japanese original, employing
as it did ferrous bushes in the main bearing and con-rod big
end, but the internal fits were quite good, even if the exterior
didn't quite match Enya's high standard. This replica went
on to become the SLH 15-A and, along with some other copies
of OS engines, was produced by the Star Light Hou Industry
Co. Ltd. of Taiwan.
While all this was happening to the 15 size engine, Saburo
Enya had also been busy with development of it's bigger brother,
the Enya 19. By the late 1960's the then current model 19
was the 4004, characterised by the cast lug under the front
shaft housing, and something new was needed to replace it.
This arrived about 1969 in the shape of the all new Enya 19-V,
and marked the change from the old 'square' bore & stroke
to the more modern 'oversquare' dimensions of 16.6mm. for
the bore and 15mm. for the stroke. This change allowed improvements
in both higher power levels and ability to rev out a bit more.
The really big news though, with the 19-V was that it was
also available, for the first time, with a twin ballrace supported
crankshaft, and what an exquisite little motor it was, either
in C/L or R/C guise. I recommend that anyone interested
in model engines should have at least one of these, either
in the V series or later VI (that's the one with the little
rectangular bump on the top of the bypass, just beneath the
fins) although the 4005 BB's are now getting quite scarce.
Most other engines that have their plain bearing exchanged
for a pukka ball race job have to make do with a smaller diam.
crankshaft ® not so with the 19 BB as it actually has a bigger
shaft, by 1mm, than it's bronze bushed brother, made possible
by using a special type of 12 ball rear race having an O.D.
of only 21mm. Not only that, but that bigger shaft was put
to good use by employing a larger gas passage (by 0.5mm.)
than the ordinary 19-V. As with the larger 29 & 35 ball
race models, weight had crept up by ( less than ) half an
oz., and overhang was also increased, but only by about 3mm.
so that is a very small price indeed to pay for such a lovely
little engine. No great increases in power were claimed (
factory quoted 10 per cent ) over the lower priced model,
so once again for the sake of a few dollars, a lot of modellers
never got to experience the silky,quality feel of a miniature
engineering masterpiece at what was, really, a bargain basement
price. Saburo had also performed the same surgery on the 19-V
crankcase (helped by the 1mm. reduction in stroke) as he did
on the 15-III ie. a smaller diameter which meant the 19 would
now fit between narrower bearer spacing than the rather broad
19- IV. P.G.F.C. summed the 19-V up thus ® 'more powerful,
more compact and fractionally lighter than its predecessor,'
and in my opinion at least, it is the definitive Enya 19.
By about the early to mid 1970's the Enya 40 and the 45-II
both designated as Model 6002 had appeared, both sharing the
same shaft ( which at 15mm. was as big as most 60's ), front
housing and con-rod. The 40 actually preceded the 45-II and
was notable for being the first Enya ever to employ a Dykes
ring, also for the fact that it could be regarded as Enya's
final and ultimate development of the crossflow scavenging
era. Schnuerle porting was by now, almost compulsory if an
engine manufacturer wanted to sell his wares to a market saturated
with R/C buyers all clamouring for ever more revs and horsepower
® the old engines pumping out low down 'grunt' at moderate
revs were exactly that ® OLD, and not very fashionable anymore.
These bigger size Enya's ( 40,45 BB, 45-II & 60 Models
7032 and 7033 ) all had ringed, alloy pistons whilst the only
'big uns' to have lapped iron pistons were the early 45 Model
6001 plain bearing job ( the C/L stunt flyers favourite )
and the sand cast, 6 bolt front 60. By circa 1980 ( that's
25 years ago ! ), the final 5225 series of 29's & 35's
were available, and now in 2004 the more expensive & upmarket
Enya's are only to be found in very selected outlets, whilst
the simple, basic beginner's models have to suffer the indignity
of being frequently seen, unwanted and unsold in sports store
glass display counters, these last 'toy shop specials' being
the 09-IV and the 15-V. Because Enya's were produced in large
numbers over a long period of time, a lot of modellers simply
don't realise just how long ago some of the familiar models
were made, eg. the 5224 series of 29's and 35's started off
40 years ago, the last one leaving the factory a quarter of
a century ago ! My, how time flies. Incidentally, the plain
bearing 45 Model 6001 mentioned above as being favoured by
the stunt fraternity had, as you would expect, great credentials
for that specific task which were a factory quoted output
of 0.90 max. H.P. for a weight of 8.5 oz. and a compression
ratio of 7 : 1. When the R/C version was tested in March 1965,
Peter Chinn remarked on it's excellent power-to-weight ratio,
the extremely flat power curve and the 'stunt perfect' torque
of 75 oz. at between six and seven thousand rpm.
If you can find one, this 45 has the cast, pressure tap lug
under the front bearing housing, the same as the equivalent
35-II and 19 Model 4004. Sadly, the following Enya 45 Model
6001 with twin ball race shaft, was aimed squarely at the
R/C flyer, being more of a scaled down 60 than a development
of the plain bearing 45, with which it shared no parts whatsoever,
apart from the ( differently machined ) main crankcase casting.
Timing had been substantially modified and weight, of course,
increased, for no real gains (maybe 10 per cent) in horsepower
over the P.B. model. The Enya 45 Model 6001 plain bearing
remains the ultimate Enya C/L stunt engine.
As this is the final episode I intend writing on Enya's ,
I would like to finish up with a true story ® just recently,
my wife and I travelled to the National Gallery of Vic. in
Melbourne to view ( with about a quarter of a million others
) an exhibition of paintings entitled ' The Impressionists
' containing artworks by Van Gogh, Renoir and Monet to name
just a few. The collective worth of these paintings ( if they
were for sale that is ! ) would have run into many hundreds
of millions of Australian dollars some single paintings alone
worth up to 30 or 40 million each. The interesting thing though,
was that when they were actually painted back in the late
19th Century, the local art lovers of the time thought they
were trash. The only thing that kept a few of the artists
from starving to death was a foresighted and generous art
dealer, who purchased most of their paintings and held an
exhibition to display them in Paris. Even though all the paintings
were for sale at very modest prices, not one was sold of the
70 odd on display ® worse, the dealer and artists themselves
were subjected to all manner of abuse for showing such rubbishy
paintings. Some buyers were only interested in purchasing
a painting, just so they could get the frame that it came
in ! What has all this got to do with Enya's you ask ? Well,
I see myself as a bit like that art dealer ® I am in the fortunate
position to acquire, at absolutely rediculous prices, all
these fine, little works of art that others turn their noses
up at.
Just as a completely irrelevant footnote, I would like to
recommend to any persons interested, the best screwdriver
that I have ever found for working on model engines, and Enya's
in particular. It's amazing the difference the proper tools
make for the job in hand, and in this case it's the ' 6 WAY
' screwdriver by FULLER ( CANADA) This is a large ( over 4
inches long ) handled, reversible type driver with 2 double
end bits, giving 2 Phillips head ( larger one perfect for
Enya screws ) and 2 slotted head. The handle is red plastic,
but be warned ® because this driver is so big and heavy, you
can really exert a LOT of torque, so care is required when
tightening up screws. One modification needed though ( to
avoid fouling & bending head fins on Enya's ) is to grind
off the 'ears' on the Phillips bit, starting about 2 mm. back
from the tip. |